

大学的宿舍 provides students with an extraordinary residential experience while maintaining a safe and healthy community. 个人的关注,响应和学生的福祉是我们的首要任务. 

This year, students will enjoy campus activities that define the hallmark OU experience. 的 guidance of health and safety experts will inform our best practices as we enjoy abundant programming and social opportunities, 并建立将持续一生的友谊.

我们目前的健康和安全协议的细节可以在下面找到. Our protocol will continue to evolve as additional facts and information become available.

  • 在搬到校园之前, residents are asked to identify the plan of action they will enact if they are required to isolate as the result of a contagious illness that may endanger the larger residential population.

  • 确定预期的隔离位置 是制定提前行动计划的重要组成部分吗. Residents who are diagnosed with a contagious illness that has been identified as a potential threat to the residential population will be expected to leave campus to isolate, 并在他们的永久住所休养, 除非在特殊情况下被禁止.

  • 需要完成预先规划过程 为了搬进校园.

  • 完成健康与安全提前计划的制定,请按照以下步骤操作.
    • 登录 我的住房 门户网站.
    • 点击 合同/形式.
    • 点击 表格-健康和安全预先计划.
    • Acknowledge the terms of the 健康与安全 Advance Plan, via electronic signature, and click 继续.
    • 提供您的健康和安全预先计划.
    • 点击 继续 提交表格.

  • 健康和安全预先计划将被共享 格雷厄姆健康中心.

  • 的学生 潜在的健康问题或高风险状况 should be aware that 大学的宿舍 will not be able to provide additional safety measures above and beyond what will be provided to the general population. 像这样, we strongly recommend that these students consult with their physician to determine if living on campus is the right decision for them.

的 University reserves the right to close any or all 大学的宿舍 buildings and to discontinue food service for the duration of any bona fide emergency 由天气、停电、罢工、骚乱、火灾、灾难引起的, 突发公共卫生事件; or other conditions beyond the control of the university that make it temporarily impossible or imprudent to maintain 大学的宿舍 facilities or food service.

的 university shall be under no obligation to abate fees or charges or to pay any damages (of any nature) as a result of any emergency closing for a period of one week or less.



 心理), 十大菠菜台子 may take appropriate action to protect the health and safety of the individual student and of the campus.

Such action may include restriction from campus until the situation is addressed as well as notification of the student’s family. This can also include a voluntary or administrative medical withdrawal from the university.

试图用身体伤害自己以完成自杀的居民, 或者用语言表达他们完成自杀的意图, 或者表现得不理智, uncontrollable or destructive behavior that is a threat to self and/or the welfare of others, 大学宿舍会立即采取行动吗. 的y will not be allowed to return to 大学的宿舍 until they provide proof of discharge from a medical professional. 只要经过专业医疗人员的确认, the resident will be required to meet with the Dean of Students and to complete a 心理 evaluation by the OU咨询中心. 在一起, 学生主任和开放大学咨询中心主任将决定是否, 在什么条件下, 该生情况稳定,可以返回大学宿舍.

以防医疗紧急情况, 十大菠菜台子 Police Department will be contacted to determine how seriously ill or injured the student is and will call EMS for medical assistance. 大学的员工, 包括大学宿舍职员, 不允许运送居民到医院吗, 医生办公室或诊所提供医疗援助. 

Any questions or concerns about the procedures used in handling 心理 and medical emergencies can be answered or addressed by the Assistant Directors of Residence Life in the 大学的宿舍 Office, 哈姆林大厅,448房间, (248) 370-3570.

Medical assistance can be obtained on campus at 葛培理健康中心 Monday through Friday. 致电(248)370-2341查询门诊时间或预约.

When 葛培理健康中心 is closed, after-hours medical and emergency care can be obtained at:

  • 庞蒂亚克骨科医院,(248)338-5000
  • St. 约瑟夫仁慈医院,(248)858-3000
  • 阿森松普罗维登斯医院,(248)652-5000

新内容即将推出! 请回来查看更新.

If you require immediate assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (电子邮件保护), or (248) 370-3352. 


Students who become ill and who wish to avoid spreading illness to the campus community may utilize 大学的宿舍's Sick Meal Pick-Up process to make arrangements for a meal.

学生可完成 生病餐食领取申请表 指定另一个人代表他们取餐. 的 designated pick-up person will need to select food from the items that are available in the dining hall that particular day. 我们要求那个生病的学生 访问校园餐饮网站 to note what is on the menu, and communicate any preferences to their designated pick-up person.

请注意,每一餐都需要单独的表格. 表格的副本将通过电子邮件发送给患病学生 奥克兰.edu 与指定的接机人员共享的电子邮件,并作为请求的记录. 请确保饭菜是在 餐厅营业时间广告.


Students are strongly encouraged to exercise sound judgment when making decisions regarding their personal safety. Students are not encouraged to travel alone on campus after dark and should park their cars in well-lighted and well-traveled areas. It is always good practice for residents to tell their roommates/suitemates when they are going out and when they will be back. Do not let strangers or suspicious characters into any 大学的宿舍 building or leave doors propped open.

如果你担心自己的安全, 他人的安全或你的财产, 或者如果你需要其他形式的警察协助, 你可以联系十大菠菜台子警察局. 他们是经过认证的警察部门,全天24小时待命. 为紧急情况, call 911; for non-emergencies, call (248) 370-3331; for the hearing impaired, 拨打(248)370-3337 (TDD).

所有住院医师都有责任报告有关行为. 十大菠菜台子的 报告 & 支持团队 为促进多学科的发展而存在, 协调对学生举报的反应, 员工, or other individuals on campus who have engaged in behavior indicating a possible threat of harm to self or other members of the campus community. 要了解更多信息或提交安全的转介表格来解决问题, 请访问十大菠菜台子警察局网站.


的 十大菠菜台子 Police Department and/or 大学的宿舍 staff will notify residents when there is a tornado warning. 校园周围也会响起龙卷风警报. A warning means a tornado actually has been sighted, and you are to take cover immediately. Staff will direct you to the safest place in your building (usually the first floor or basement, 远离任何窗户), 或者你应该按照贴在每层楼的说明去做. Everyone should take shelter until an all-clear is issued by the 十大菠菜台子 Police Department.

如果你在警告期间被发现在外面,没有时间到达建筑物, 在低洼的地方或沟里寻找掩体. 脸朝下躺着,用前臂遮住脸,以防止飞来的碎片.




(248) 370-3570

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.